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Special Olympics

Special Olympics Michigan (SOMI) is transforming a former high school campus into the world’s largest Special Olympics facility, known as the Unified Sports and Inclusion Center. As part of the new facility, SOMI received an interactive exhibit – Unlocking Inclusion – that it could use to tell Michigan’s Special Olympics story. I worked on adapting the locker exhibit 'skeleton' to include graphics that tell the story of Special Olympics Michigan, its athletes, its programs, and its impact on the community. The bold colors draw you in, piquing curiosity to see what’s inside and open each locker. The graphics create a fun and celebratory atmosphere, while providing information about how Special Olympics Michigan supports the community in ways that are less known than its sports programs. 


I designed nineteen locker graphics, six overhead posters, and nine wall-sized pieces to tell the SOMI story. Eleven additional color blocks were planned and designed for any negative space, and the base of each locker set were wrapped in its' corresponding color.

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